Case studies

Treasury management for a €1.5Bn crypto security solutionsfirm

Woorton complete team


Security and infrastructure for crypto industry

Software and hardware solutions enabling individuals and companies around the world to securely store digital assets

Trade monitoring complexity

Hundreds of digital assets generating revenue in one of their business lines, making it difficult to value the positions, monitor P&L and manage rebalancing in more liquid assets or fiat

Challenges to manage complexity in-house

Numerous hours to review, high trading fees and slippage

Woorton’s assets

Strong infrastructure and UI
Designed to monitor portfolio with hundreds of positions and keep track of numerous digital assets at any given time
Wide range of covered assets
Long-standing connections to most organizations in the field, allowing to source any digital assets at very competitive prices
Financial services expertise
Team of ex financial services executives who have a deep understanding of trading operations with backgrounds at some of the largest banks in the world

Actions taken

Access to the user interface
In close contact with the tech team for questions regarding setup and features
Selling relevant positions and optimizing P&L
Selling all unwanted positions, including the lesser liquid coins with minimal market impact, allowing to optimize the P&L and reduce risks related to very illiquid and volatile coins
Outcome: lower fees and slippage, smoother process
Drastically lower fees trading fees and slippage, and smoother process for client’s operations team, thanks to Woorton’s network and expertise

We trade with consistent liquidity 24/7